What is visual stress?
Visual stress, also known as Meares-Irlen Syndrome, is a condition referring to difficulties with reading due to perceived “distortions” in pages of text. This occurs due to hyper-excitability of the visual cortex (the part of the brain responsible for visual processing) when viewing certain visual patterns. Research suggests that up to 20% of the general population are affected by visual stress.
Symptoms include:
- Movement of print
- Doubling of words
- Blurring of print
- Glare, especially from a white page
- Slow reading / re-reading the same line
- Patterns appearing in printed text
- Poor comprehension of reading content
- Eyestrain or fatigue
- Discomfort when reading.
It has been scientifically proven that for certain patients suffering from visual stress these symptoms can be significantly reduced with the use of a specific coloured filter.
Unfortunately colour sensitivity screening is not covered by the NHS.
The initial assessment costs £65
Colorimetry assessment is only available in our Bromyard practice